three events prevent us using the beach huts, though White Air 2009 will give us special passes, it seems. Fat Boy Slim may have some tickets available for tenants. The Speed Trials have never considered the matter.
Fri 18 – Sun 20 September : White Air 2009
Fri 4 & Sat 5 September : Big Beach Boutique 5
Sat 12 September: National Speed Trials
Full details are on the council web site --$$ADocPackPublic.pdfNote that there will be a booze application for the BBB 5 and residents and businesses can object: we cannot.
The purpose of objection is the ensure the security of the chalets and prevent urination all over the place. We also object againts the closure of the beach area.
The landlord have the right to object via the Property Dept. but they have a conflict of interest of course and thus though they may have some common interests with ours, they also opposite interests too eg they get a fee ect.
Thus, I will pursure the matter further: any readers of this blog can contact me on this to register interest of support.