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Wednesday, 22 December 2010

FLOG IT old repeat today mentions Hove beach huts

Paul Martin takes a look at a fixture of the British seaside landscape, the beach hut in FLOG IT episode today - see
gushing interlude with beach historian Kathryn Ferry (see link next door). in Hove and the value of  such huts as an investment -- makes me think about some tactics........
  1. previously done BBC Two, 3:45PM Thu, 11 Sep 2008 

Saturday, 18 December 2010

minutes of the meeting

Brighton & Hove City Council
Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting
4.00pm 7 December 2010
Committee Room 3, Hove Town Hall
Present: Councillor Smith (Cabinet Member)
Also in attendance: Councillors: Davis (Opposition Spokesperson) and Randal
34 Public Questions

34.1 The Cabinet Member agreed to consider the following question which was put by Mr. Simon Doyle on behalf of Mr. Roy Pennington a beach chalet tenancy holder.

“What real evidence that, such as the annualised numbers on the list for each of the 5 chalet areas involved, they are “little used” 
and what research is there as to the reason for that apparent “little use” 
and what difference would it be to the finances of the council to alter the tenancies in this way
and why has there been no consideration of applying any new lease to new tenants only, retaining the original lease for current tenants, much like employers use “natural wastage” to get rid of dead wood.?”

34.2 As the recommendations accompanying the Beach Chalet Policy Proposal report, Item 42 on that days agenda had been amended and largely addressed the points raised by Mr Pennington, the Cabinet Member considered the question and the amended recommendations in concert with one another. Messrs Pennington and Doyle were thanked for their question and the Cabinet Member confirmed that the points raised would be considered under Item 42 (below) and that both would receive a written response following the meeting.

34.3 In relation to the point raised in relation to lack of summer use, this was difficult to monitor. However, if this emerged as an issue raised during the consultation process that could be revisited at that time. The Cabinet Member read out the amended recommendations which he had been asked to approve in relation to the Beach Chalet Policy Proposals (Item 42).

34.4 The Cabinet Member gave Mr Doyle the opportunity to ask a supplementary question. He sought clarification that current tenants would remain unaffected by the introduction of fixed term tenancies and it was confirmed that given the revised recommendations this would be the case pending the outcome of the consultation exercise. Rigorous action would be taken against tenants who did not meet their maintenance responsibilities, a two month notice period would be given to end tenancies in instances where tenants had not maintained chalets in compliance with their tenancy agreements.

34.5 RESOLVED – That the question, and response set out above and in Paragraph 42 of these minutes be received and noted.

42 Beach Chalet Letting Policy Proposal

42.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Strategic Director of Communities setting out the proposed changes to the current letting policy for beach chalets owned by the Council at Ovingdean, Rottingdean, Saltdean, Madeira Drive and Hove Seafront. The proposed increases in the annual rent levied by the Council for the beach chalets at Ovingdean, Rottingdean, Saltdean Madeira Drive and Hove Seafront were also set out, as were the proposed new procedures for beach chalet waiting lists.

42.2 The Cabinet Member referred to the question set out in Paragraph 34 above stressing the amendments made to the recommendations set out in the report as originally circulated. He re-iterated his earlier comments in relation to the consultation process and in relation to action which would be taken in instances where tenants failed to satisfy their maintenance obligations.

42.3 RESOLVED - (1) That the Cabinet Member approves the introduction of a fixed term tenancy for a maximum period of five years for all new beach chalet tenancies which will be available for Brighton & Hove Residents only.

He stated that:
(2) He approves a consultation exercise on amending the policy for letting beach chalets to existing tenants. The aim of the consultation exercise being to reduce the long standing waiting lists.

(3) That the Cabinet Member approves the implementation of a two month notice period to end tenancies when the tenant is not complying with their maintenance responsibilities.

comment: i say it was a "charade" because there was no discussion and no consultation --- post-decision consultation is no kind of consultation at all.
For example, why not 7 years? Why any change at all if there is no evidence to change? Why no differential between different locations? Why no look at other terms of the lease eg family or joint leases, short terms sub-leases, ect? what  does "Rigorous action" mean? What are the "maintenance obligations"? Will the free-holder fulfill its "maintenance obligations" too? And who will be the representatives in this exercise, given that that there was been a distinct aversion to engage with any discussion with any tenants?

i await the next stage................

Friday, 10 December 2010

views from the tenants

a gaggle of beach-hutters before the meeting -- (what is the collective term for such a group?) --
Madeira Drive tenants will be meeting up in Kemp Town soon to formulate our own "policy for letting beach chalets to existing tenants (with) the aim (of)  reduce the long standing waiting lists."

Thursday, 9 December 2010

WHAT WAS AGREED -- on the hoof, mushrooms blooming

Agenda Item 42

Beach Chalet Letting Policy Proposal

Amended Recommendations

    1. That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism approves the introduction of a fixed term tenancy for a maximum period of five years for all new beach chalet tenancies which will be available for Brighton & Hove residents only.
    1. As stated VIZ: 2.2 That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism approves the proposed 10% increase in the annual rent for chalets.
    1. That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism approves a consultation exercise on amending the policy for letting beach chalets to existing tenants. The aim of the consultation exercise being to reduce the long standing waiting lists.
2.4  That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism approves the implementation of a two month notice period to end tenancies when the tenant is not complying with their maintenance responsibilities.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Council changes the proposals

chalet proposals (amends the original proposals)

new tenants get max: 5 year term only,
old tenants to be consulted on how to reduce the waiting lists,
10% rent increase (same proposal) -
Eviction notice if chalet not maintained properly.

more to follow when council organises the consultation.....

Monday, 6 December 2010

the sounds of mushroom growing................

 The officer who did the original report has sent this reply to a ward cllr:
The item is not being withdrawn, however, amendments are being considered which I hope will alleviate your concerns.

the sounds of mushroom growing................

saltdean hit back

Dear David
I am concerned that it is proposed to change the letting policy for the council owned brick built beach chalets without prior consultation with existing beach chalet tenants.The first that the tenants based at Saltdean knew of the proposal was via The Argus news story of Wednesday 1st December this year which in effect deprived them of the opportunity to address your Culture,Recreation&Tourism cabinet member meeting on 7th December.
Whilst I fully support the potential for new tenants to enjoy the benefits of renting a beach chalet I believe it is unneccessary to alter the existing tenancy arrangements to allow this to happen.A clause already exists in the present  arrangements to evict those tenants who do not maintain their chalet to the standard that the council demands of them.Take the example of those chalets situated at Rottingdean.The vast majority of them have not had their doors painted annually to the councils specification.If the council enforced its clause relating to maintanance I believe that immediately twenty eight chalets could be offered up to new tenants.
Whilst it may be the case that elsewhere in the city the chalets are little used even at the height of summer it is certainly not the case at Saltdean where many of the chalets are regularly used throughout the whole year.In fact a vibrant community exists amongst Saltdean beach chalet tenants which has very positive benefits for all residents of and visitors to Saltdean.
It was beachutters who successfully campaigned a number of years ago to ensure that beach provision at Saltdean was not lessened when the beaches were reconfigured,it was beachutters who campaigned to ensure that we did not lose toilet facilities at the seafront,it was beachutters who campaigned to ensure that we did not lose disabled parking facilities and it is beachutters and friends who regularly undertake litter picks on the beaches at Saltdean to clear broken glass and rubbish to help to make sure that those beaches are safer and more pleasant for everybody to use.
Please do not penalise this community of interest and remove their tenancies when a mechanism already exists for you to achieve your noble aim of allowing more local residents to enjoy the benefits of the beach chalets.
Indeed to my knowledge there have been at least six changes of tenancy amongst the twenty Saltdean beach chalets in recent years due to deaths and tenants deciding to not renew their tenancy.
Thankyou for your time in reading this
Kind regards

Saturday, 4 December 2010

crap press release dated nov 29th

Moves to cut beach chalet waiting list

A novel plan to share out Brighton & Hove’s limited supply of beach chalets is being considered by the council.
It would mean 100 existing brick-built chalets being offered for limited periods, instead of being rented indefinitely by individuals.
The council is stressing the scheme would not affect Hove’s wooden beach huts which are owner-occupied and can be bought and sold on the open market.
A council report says the move would address the current situation where over 100 people are languishing on a waiting list – some for over 10 years.  At the same time, says the report, the council gets regular complaints that many chalets appear unused, even in the height of summer.
Officials are suggesting chalets could be offered with leases for a maximum period of five years.  Anyone who has held a lease for over five years may keep it for a further two years.  People holding a lease for under five years may keep it until that period elapses.
A decision is expected at one of the regular meetings led by cabinet councillor for culture David Smith, on December 7.
It is also proposed that rents would go up by 10 per cent.  Officials say prices would be comparable to those in other resorts yet earn the authority an extra £50,000.
Current prices range from over £700 a year for chalets with water and electricity to about £400 for basic chalets in less favoured positions.
There are groups of brick-built chalets in Hove, Madeira Drive, Ovingdean, Rottingdean and Saltdean.
Waiting lists would be closed to non-residents – they presently include a handful from outside the city.
Once a tenancy expires the person would be able to return to the bottom of the waiting list.
Cllr Smith said:  “These are publicly-owned assets so it seems unfair to have residents effectively permanently excluded from them in a queue which never moves.  It could be that charging more would make people more committed to using them - or giving them up if they don’t.”

more from the argus

i made a comment, too --
 THE TORIES :  they will also start advocating evicting council house tenants so that someone else can 'have a turn'........

MADEIRA DRIVE 23 chalets: more from the argus

MADEIRA DRIVE 23 chalets: more from the argus

Friday, 3 December 2010

more on the proposed eviction

I have garnered support from the ward councillors and opposition spokepersons and I have had a "question" tabled (and accepted) for the 7th December 2010 meeting in Hove Town Hall at 4pm.
A tenant in Rottingdean also asked about the consultation process.
I have ask for support from Simon Kirby MP.

this is my question --
What real evidence that,  such as the annualised numbers on the list for each of the 5 chalet areas involved,  they are “little used”  and what research is there as to the reason for that apparent “little use”  and what difference would it to the finances of the council to alter the tenancies in this way and   why has there been no consideration of applying any new lease to new tenants only,  retaining the original lease for current tenants,  much like employers use “natural wastage” to get rid of dead wood? 

Comment from a tenant:
item 42 is a typical composite motion -- the 10% rent hike is bad enough but to wrap it up with an eviction notice is the worst Christmas present of the year --
do please try to get it un-packed and the lease proposals kicked out....

another comment:
why not build more chalets elsewhere if there is a problem of "closed waiting lists"?
as to alternative options for the Council: yes, there is a rationing issue but, you are right, it would be easy to construct more elsewhere......
but the model brakes down a bit when it is not simple needs like housing per se...just like council tenants being kicked out if their income is too high......? or residents parking list ("sorry, you have a permit now, but you lose it after one year and join the queue at the bottom...")

Thursday, 2 December 2010

letter to argus - FYI

Dear Editor
 re: Shake up -- Dec 1st article page 17th

I am a long-standing tenant of a beach hut on Madeira Drive and have just heard,  by chance,  that without being  consulted,  or even informed,  there is a proposal to be put before the Council on Tuesday 1st Dec.  that most tenants,  including me,  will be evicted for no apparent reason in two year's time.

I am a pensioner with a disability and I use my hut most days all year round.  I find it essential for my health and well-being.

It will be a devastating blow if it is taken away from me.  I see no justice in this proposal.

Of course there is high demand for the few remaining beach huts,  as well over 100 around West Pier and the Undercliff have been done away with in recent years.

Martin Farnham

Wednesday, 1 December 2010




or else we riot.........................

argus report that

2.1 That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism approves the
introduction of a fixed term tenancy for a period of five years for beach chalets.
2.2 That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism approves the
proposed 10% increase in the annual rent for chalets.
2.3 That the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation & Tourism approves the new
procedure for beach chalet waiting lists.
3.5 The chalets are let by way of a tenancy agreement for an indefinite length of time
and subject to an annual rent. They cannot be sold on by the tenant or inherited.
The agreements can be determined by either landlord or tenant on two months
3.10 As the chalets are let on a tenancy for an indefinite length of time this would
enable the waiting list to become active again. To enable a phased introduction
of this change tenants who have occupied a chalet for more than five years could
be given two more years of occupation from April 2011. Tenants who have
occupied a chalet for less than 5 years will be allowed to continue for a full 5 year
3.11 Thus in April 2013 the majority of chalets will become available for rent and the
waiting lists can be reopened. The chalets will then be fully maintained by the
Council including the doors (locks will remain the tenant’s responsibility).