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Monday, 28 February 2011

beach chalet policy consultation

  a verbal update on the beach chalet policy consultation with take place at the next Cabinet Member Meeting for Culture, Recreation and Tourism rather than a report on the agenda. the  meeting of the Culture, Recreation & Tourism Cabinet Member Meeting is
Tuesday, 22nd March, 2011 4.00pm in Hove.

I understand from Simon Kirby MP, who got a letter from the Council about this, that "The survey was sent to 220 people in total as well as an on-line facility. We have received 85 completed hard copies of the survey with a further 30 completed on-line. This represents a response rate of about 38% which is a good response rate for a survey of this nature."

Friday, 11 February 2011



I made a formal complain about this  survey viz:  “The Beach Chalet Letting Policy Survey has been limited to 28/01/11 09:00 to 11/02/11 17:00 -- the letter to tenants has only delivered on feb 4th. -- this breaches standard policy for the time allowed to duration -- and no pre-consultation with tenants as to introductory remarks or content of questions.:"

I had my conversation with Cllr David Smith after submitting my complaint.  I am thus hopeful that meaningful dialogue will continue.

Having said that, though, the issue (viz:  those residents of Saltdean on the Lewes side (east of Longridge Avenue) would be denied from applying for a hut )  is buried in the survey question 3 that emphasises " Do you think NON Brighton & Hove residents with existing tenancies should be allowed to continue to rent a chalet?"
-- that is a disgraceful leading question, as many "Brighton & Hove residents" do not realise that East Saltdean is NOT in B&H.
That  parochial agenda carefully fails to mention that much of B&H Council budget provides services to NON Brighton & Hove residents  eg parking! A simple extension to the boundaries allowing leaseholders to include East Saltdean post codes would be sufficient to temper that parochialism.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

The Friends of Shoreham Beach (FoSB)

refreshing web-site, with nice pics on the flora and fauna ....
much more pleasant than analysing leases......

up date on the survey

I spoke to Cllr. David Smith yesterday (Wed.)  by phone, in reply to an  e-mail -- he  assures me that the survey is just the start of a dialogue, in which reps. from each of the 5 areas will meet with the council to discuss the matters raised.......

My ward Cll.  Paul Steedman (Green)  and Cllr. Melanie Davies (Lab. Spokesperson  on Seafront Matters)  both assured me that they would promote my view of the new status quo (viz: new tenants get 5 yrs., sitting tenants stay as they are with no attempt to evict) and to ensure meaningful dialogue with reps. to progress positive ways to reduce the perceived (no real evidence has been submitted) "long standing waiting lists."

i spoke to a beach-hutter from Ovingdean and he was angry at the survey's short-time scale and felt threatened by the whole tone.

Saltdean Residents’ Association  is asking for more beach huts in Saltdean.

we await the outcome of the survey and meetings for meaningful dialogue.........

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

fill in the survey and tell them what for

fill in the survey and tell them what for --
as one tenant told me:

"This survey is a 'politics of envy document',  clearly designed to gain support for an agenda already held by the council and councillors.
I do not accept it as substitute for a face-to-face meeting,  as promised by the committee on 7th Dec. 
No plan to evict exiting tenants can be morally justified and may not be legally possible.
Due to long useage I believe we have gained a legal 'right to remain' "

Friday, 4 February 2011

Beach Chalet Letting Policy Survey

see council web site -- we got the letters today feb 4th -- surely a breach of any normal consultation protocols --
it is a wind-up -- rush to evict -- no pre-consultation to consider content of the survey -- at least, the stones are ready to throw when the barricades are set up----

Beach Chalet Letting Policy Survey runs from 28/01/11 09:00 to 11/02/11 17:00