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Thursday, 17 June 2010

time for paint

recent news --

letter dated 1st June from Seafront Surveyor: time for re-paint with the mild threat "I will be visiting your chalet in a month's time to examine it again."
No date or time specified, ergo no invite to inspect together.....

rumors of a proposal to change the lease (eg long-term tenants (i.e. 10 yrs +) to be evicted with 2 yrs notice== reason: let others enjoy) have yet to be substantiated.....
i have asked for this to be scotched, but no reply yet either by e-mail or phone 290568.............

 Madeira Drive Lift:
Lift works, but the bell  does not......if you bang enough, the bloke hears it : best to phone (01273) 292716
and they will phone the Concorde....
happy summer

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