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Monday, 2 March 2015

Beach Huts, Hove (2% rise) vs Beach Chalets (25% /25%) (please pass me my gun)

dear officer
RE: proposed 2 year 25/25% rent rise for Beach Chalets
What is the proposed rise for the Hove beach huts ground-rent? I assume that those huts are owned by the tenants and the Council only charges ground-rent and transfer-fee but I wanted to know how many are there and what is the rise for comparison purposes. 
Can you let me know before the adjourned Budget meeting on Tuesday?
officer replies:
There are approximately 450 beach huts. The proposal is to increase the Licence Fee to place a beach hut on Hove Promenade by 2% to £321.00.
Hove 450 huts x £314 pa = £141300
increase 2% = £2,826
increase 25% = £35,325
Beach Chalet 25/25% rent rise £12,057 / £12,057= £24,114
 query: why the difference?
in reply
"Each of the fees and charges are considered on an individual basis and increased by inflation, unless it is deemed appropriate to recommend an above inflation increase.

Did any councillor reply to my query? No

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